5000 +
8 +
One PLATFORM Many Talents
PLATFORMA residents are inquisitive innovators, they constantly explore this world, find new progressive ideas and bring them to life
We transform society, create projects, and create new businesses. PLATFORMA is an impressive and thriving community. Here you get your own platform for development: lectures, acquaintances, business, sports and spiritual practices, inspiring creative camps and, of course, your own workspace.
We're pretty sure the best and brightest are here. A lot of interesting things await us together, and we are sure of that too.
We create the conditions for growth and self-actualization.
A place where entrepreneurs, artists, creatives, and strategists, owners of large international businesses, and startups in IT work together and get to know each other.

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Working space
There are оffices of a new format: aesthetic, spacious designer places in the business center of the capital for working on results.

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Serviced office
All organizational issues for opening your office are covered in this service — from the team to the paperwork.

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Help is a core value of PLATFORMA and an essential part of Ukrainian enterprises. We help and won't stop.

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There is a place for presentations, conferences, strategic sessions, lectures, workshops, exhibitions and special events.

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Harmony between body and mind is called productivity. Our residents' mental and physical health is covered by the program of care.

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A growing educational camp for people from creative, IT, advertising, and creative fields for training and recreation.
People are the greatest
We believe that this world is changed by people. Our residents are already making a difference in the world. Some of them shared their thoughts and explained what it means for them to be part of the PLATFORMA community.
value of PLATFORMA
В просторі можна зустріти людей різних професій та компетенцій. Яких обʼєднує життєві принципи та прагнення до розвитку. Послухай враження деяких з нас.
We didn't think about walls when we made PLATFORMA. We laid a platform for the formation of a new cultural cluster of the country. I can see now how people and ideas fill it. The indomitable desire to improve and grow, despite the obstacles, despite everything, amazes me every time I attend joint events. It's inspiring.

Important PLATFORMA news and announcements